Recipe for coconut power balls
Preparation time: 1 h
Category: Healthy desserts
Are you looking for new dessert inspirations? And how about power balls in a slightly subtler version? Delicious coconut!
It tastes light as a cloud, but gives you all the power you need! ;)
We encourage you to try our recipe, which always works.
Time for healthy rafaello! :)
Ingredients for coconut power balls:
- 1/3 cup millet
- 2 heaped tablespoons of coconut paste
- 2 cups coconut milk
- 1/2 glass (approx. 8 pieces) dates
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla powder
- a few drops of vanilla aroma
- almonds
- coconut shrims
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Recipe for coconut power balls:
- Soak almonds and dates
- Boil the porridge in coconut milk (you can add some water) until the liquid is absorbed
- Mix with dates, spices, coconut mousse and aroma
- Form balls
- Put one almond inside
- Wrap in coconut flakes
- They taste best chilled
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March 2020
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